You may have heard about deer having velvet, but it’s not the velvet we might find in clothes or on furniture. Rather, it refers to the growth phase of a stag’s antler when the antler has an abundant blood, nerve, and hair supply and a covering of soft fine hair.
On another part of Church Farm, Tom and Chloe have planted a 17 seed mix of clovers, legumes, herbs, wildflowers and grasses, which when harvested, will provide about 80 bale’s worth of food for the herds - enough to see them through the winter.
Antlers are unique to the deer family and are composed of a bone-like material that regenerates every year. Over sixty species of deer produce antlers, including moose, reindeer, caribou, and elk. Only males grow antlers, which they use to fight for leadership or mates. The bony material of antlers makes them excellent dog chews.
Church Farm, situated in Oxfordshire, is a 135 acre Red Deer farm. We aim to raise our animals as naturally and humanely as possible, whilst producing tasty and healthy venison.